Take Me Naked (1966) - Michael Findlay & Roberta Findlay


 quote: This curiosity was directed by Michael Findlay. Findlay was probably the most famous of a small group of underground New York filmmakers that were in operation in the 1960s. Joseph W. Sarno, Joseph P. Mawra, and Lou Campa were the others and they produced exploitation "roughies" Roughies were films that combined Noir/Suspense/Thriller film elements with the new found freedom to exploit sex. These films were produced expressly for the grindhouse market. They were low budget, probably ran a week to ten days in a theater and made a profit. Take Me Naked is a mildly raunchy tale written by Michael Findlay's wife Roberta about a sleazy Bowery bum who gets his kicks peeping upon his neighbor (played by Roberta Findlay). The film includes sequences narrated with Pierre Louÿs' erotic classic The Songs of Bilitis. Songs is a collection of erotic, essentially lesbian, poetry published in Paris in 1894. There are gauzy suggestive filmed art house sequences that now seem to go on way too long and it comes off as amateurish filler.   


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